WildMetrix enables professionals with real-time decision support to quickly isolate and remediation of impacting issues. With a live streaming architecture, contextual drill down dashboard framework and correlation across the entire stack, WildMetrix provides t he needed unified insight at the right time.
WildMetrix Solution Packs contain the necessary settings and dashboards to monitor platforms, applications, and networks in a single rapid deployment package. Solution Packs can be customized to your prefrences and facilitates creating new solutions for your custom applications. Additional Solution Packs can be found in the Online Library or from our strategic partners.
WildMetrix is built with one thing in mind, solving problems. WildMetrix starts with adjustable data collection intervals, down to one second. With support for correlation from log and metric data on a single chart, visual root cause provides insight into ongoing issues that can cause lower than expected service levels. Here are a few of the real time things you can do with WildMetrix...
WildMetrix solutions deliver rapid reliability for a larger part of your entire technology stack. It’s native capabilities have been founded around small footprints and real-time data for greater efficiencies. With decision support that unifies all aspects of system, operations and professional teams benefit from having the same information to make informative and quick decisions to increase service reliability.